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Email 1 – 101 Corona – :101 Things To Do In Self-Isolation Gift:

If You Own A List Of Contacts Send This Email To Them As A Solo Ad Or Even Better Add This Message To Your Auto Responder Sequence For Continuous Revenue

Subject: New: Break The Boredom With This Gift

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Today I have a special gift from my friends at Perfect Path.

Our world has changed greatly in the last few weeks.

Being in a situation where our movement is limited might be making you a bit stir crazy.

Never fear, the solution is here.

>> Click Here

“Corona 101” – 101 Things To Do In Self-Isolation

101 ways to keep you and your loved ones entertained while you try to get through this Covid-19 lock down…

and just maybe reading this book could be the start of something great! 🤗

Grab your gift and stay safe and healthy!

Your Name

Email 2 – 101 Corona – :101 Things To Do In Self-Isolation Gift:

If You Own A List Of Contacts Send This Email To Them As A Follow Up Email To The First 48 Hours Later.

Subject: Did You Get Your Gift?

Hi {!firstname_fix},

A few days ago I sent you an email letting you know about a FREE gift to help break the boredom.

Have you gotten it yet?

This 3 hour long MP3 is the perfect way to get through this rough time and find great things to do during this lockdown!

Check here (Your Affiliate Link)

101 ways to keep you and your loved ones entertained while you try to get through this Covid-19 lock down…

and just maybe reading this book could be the start of something great! 🤗

Grab your gift and stay safe and healthy!

Check here. (Your Affiliate Link)

Your Name

Main Sales Page Resources

Link To Sales Page

Email 1 – Super Charge Your Body (Sales Page)

If You Own A List Of Contacts Send This Email To Them As A Solo Ad Or Even Better Add This Message To Your Auto Responder Sequence For Continuous Revenue

Subject: [FIRSTNAME], New Guide – “Supercharge Your Body”
[FIRSTNAME], How to build your immune system
[FIRSTNAME], Brand new guide for you!
[FIRSTNAME], Get instant access to my latest product!
[FIRSTNAME], Grab your latest guide!

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Do you want to fight viruses, colds, and overall become more immune from sicknesses?

Well, boosting your immune system will assist you drastically.

The immune system seems to be linked to so many aspects of our life.

The food we eat, the quality of our sleep, and the level of stress are all things that are within our control to supercharge our body.

Yet, not many know the secret nutrients that make a virus unwelcome in their body and help fight sickness off.

That’s why we’ve created a detailed and informative guide that will give you guidance on how YOU CAN fight harmful viruses and bacteria. We will provide you various steps that you can implement today to strengthen your immunity.

The guide is called “Supercharge Your Body” – A Step-By-Step Guide To Boosting Your Immune System.

You can grab your copy here:


Here’s what you’ll discover inside this course:

• How your immune system functions and what you can do to help it fight bacteria and viruses;
• The research behind immunity and why you should adopt our recommendations;
• How you can benefit from embracing new behaviors and introduce variety in your meals;
• Why it is so vital for you to have a bedtime routine;
• Exercises you can add to your workout to boost your immune system;
• Foods to adopt in your nutrition that will increase your intake of nutrients vital to your immune system;
• How to create a healthy life that keeps you energized during the flu season;
• How to charge your immune system in 21 days and stay healthy;
• 8 delicious recipes that will support your immune system;
• 6 supplements that are essential to improve your body’s immunity;
• 2 simple ways to manage your daily stress and increase your immunity;
• Successful techniques to detoxify your body of harmful antigens;
• How you can practice good hygiene that keeps viruses away;
• Customized activities that will help you apply the changes right away and start improving your immune system;
• Practical ways to boost your immunity in your daily activities;
• 6 things to avoid if you want to stay healthy;
• Over 50 additional resources that will deepen your knowledge and help you support your immune system;
• And so much more!

Get your copy here:


Make sure you claim your copy right now while it’s hot!


To Your Success,

P.S. – If there’s one thing you look at today, make sure you get this:


Email 2 – Super Charge Your Body (Sales Page)

If You Own A List Of Contacts Send This Email To Them As A Follow Up Email To The First 48 Hours Later.

Subject: [FIRSTNAME], New Guide – “Supercharge Your Body”
[FIRSTNAME], How to build your immune system
[FIRSTNAME], Brand new guide for you!
[FIRSTNAME], Get instant access to my latest product!
[FIRSTNAME], Grab your latest guide!

Hi {!firstname_fix},

I’ve just launched a brand new guide called “Supercharge Your Body” – A Step-By-Step Guide To Boosting Your Immune System.

You can grab your copy here:


Here’s what you’ll discover inside this course:

• How your immune system functions and what you can do to help it fight bacteria and viruses;
• The research behind immunity and why you should adopt our recommendations;
• How you can benefit from embracing new behaviors and introduce variety in your meals;
• Why it is so vital for you to have a bedtime routine;
• Exercises you can add to your workout to boost your immune system;
• Foods to adopt in your nutrition that will increase your intake of nutrients vital to your immune system;
• How to create a healthy life that keeps you energized during the flu season;
• How to charge your immune system in 21 days and stay healthy;
• 8 delicious recipes that will support your immune system;
• 6 supplements that are essential to improve your body’s immunity;
• 2 simple ways to manage your daily stress and increase your immunity;
• Successful techniques to detoxify your body of harmful antigens;
• How you can practice good hygiene that keeps viruses away;
• Customized activities that will help you apply the changes right away and start improving your immune system;
• Practical ways to boost your immunity in your daily activities;
• 6 things to avoid if you want to stay healthy;
• Over 50 additional resources that will deepen your knowledge and help you support your immune system;
• And so much more!

Make sure your claim your copy right now while it’s hot!


To Your Success,

Email Or Forum Signatures & Banners

Sales Page Signature – Supercharge Your Body

Simply copy the message, add your link and include these signatures in every email and forum post. :

Forum Signatures

Signature #1:
Want To Stay Healthy? Claim Your Guide on How You Can Boost Your Immune System.

Signature #2:
Who Else Wants to Improve Their Immunity? Get Access to My New Release: “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System.”

Signature #3:
Download Your Copy of My Brand New Guide: “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System.”

Signature #4:
Claim Your Guide to Supercharge Your Body and Start Boosting Your Immune System Today

Signature #5:
Want to learn how you can improve your immune system? My eBook called “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System” will show you how.

Email Signatures

Signature #1:
P.S. – Claim your guide to supercharge your body and learn how you can improve your immune system:

Signature #2:
By the way, you can grab your copy of my latest guide called “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System.”

Signature #3:
P.S. – Download your copy of my brand new guide: Supercharge Your Body and access a step-by-step guide to increase your immunity
It’s a 30-page step-by-step plan for boosting your immune system.

Signature #4:
P.S. – Get instant access to your guide called “Supercharge Your Body” and strengthen your immune system.:
You will unlock the secrets of a strong immune system.
Signature #5:
P.S. – Want to improve your health and increase your immunity? Get my latest guide, “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System”:

Social Media Swipes

Facebook & Google Plus Posts
Post 1:
Headline: Finally! Your Guide to Boosting Your Immune System is here!
Text: Find Out How You Can Supercharge Your Body and Say Goodbye to Illnesses and Viruses!

Post 2:
Headline: Supercharge Your Body Starting Today
Text: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System and Stay Healthy

Post 3:
Headline: Want to Increase Your Immunity?
Text: Get your copy of “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System.”

Post 4:
Headline: You Too Can Say Goodbye to Colds and Flus
Text: Grab my latest guide called “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System.”

Post 5:
Headline: Get Your 30-page Guide: Supercharge Your Body
Text: In this guide, you’ll find out a step-by-step plan to boosting your immune system and fight off any illnesses

Twitter Tweets
Tweet #1:
The Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System and Stay Healthy: {INSERT LINK}

Tweet #2:
Unlock The Secrets of Immunity. Download Your 30-Page Guide on Boosting Your Immune System: {INSERT LINK}

Tweet #3:
Download Your Copy of My Brand New Guide: “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System”: – {INSERT LINK}

Tweet #4:
Limited Time Only: For a Limited Time Only: Grab Your Copy of “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System” {INSERT LINK}

Tweet #5:
Just Released: “Supercharge Your Body: A Step-By-Step Plan to Boosting Your Immune System” 30-Page Guide {INSERT LINK}

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