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Email 1 – Yoga Music Gift:

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Subject: 3 Full Hours Of Beautiful Self-Reflection Music For Yoga Or Meditation

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Would you be surprised to know that practicing Yoga can have beneficial effects when it comes to changing habits and altering life-long patterns?

Self-reflection is critical when attempting to alter behaviors that a person has had for many years.

This 3 hour long MP3 is the perfect companion for your yoga practice or even meditations while working on self-reflection!

Check here (Your Affiliate Link)

As well, you’ll get our bonus beginners Yoga e-course to get you started if you aren’t practicing already.Get started today for FREE.

Check here. (Your Affiliate Link)

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Email 2 – Yoga Music Gift:

If You Own A List Of Contacts Send This Email To Them As A Follow Up Email To The First 48 Hours Later.

Subject: Did You get Your Music For Yoga Or Meditation

Hi {!firstname_fix},

A few days ago I sent you an email letting you know about a FREE gift of music.

Have you gotten it yet?

This 3 hour long MP3 is the perfect companion for your yoga practice or even meditations while working on self-reflection!

Check here (Your Affiliate Link)

As well, you can get our bonus beginners Yoga e-course to get you started if you aren’t practicing already.Get started today for FREE.

Check here. (Your Affiliate Link)

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Email 1 – Guide To Newbie Yoga:

If You Own A List Of Contacts Send This Email To Them As A Solo Ad Or Even Better Add This Message To Your Auto Responder Sequence For Continuous Revenue

Subject: Feel the stress, bad habits, illness and more melt away…

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Stressed Out? Want To Get Rid Of Bad Habits? Do You Feel Like The World Is Crashing Down Around You? Want To Be Able To Relax Your Mind, Body And Spirit? Well This Easy To Use Step By Step Program Makes It All Possible!

Check here (Your Affiliate Link)

Feel the stress, bad habits, illness and more melt away as you practice the ancient arts of yoga and meditation to help bring your emotional well-being into balance (which helps you taking charge of bad habits and more) and keep your body fit at the same time!

Check here. (Your Affiliate Link)

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Email Or Forum Signatures & Banners

Gift Signature

Simply copy the code in the text box and include these signatures in every email and forum post.

No Charge – 3 Full Hours Of Self-Reflection Music For Yoga Or Meditation…Click Here:

Gift Banners

Simply copy the code in the text box and paste in the html of your website, or right click on the image and save it,then upload it to your server if you wish.

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